quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2008

Go hard or go home!

"Here comes 2009!

When it comes to hard work, there are THREE KINDS OF PEOPLE.
Some TURN UP their sleeves, some TURN UP their noses, and some don't even TURN UP at all. We back the sleve-turners. The ones that 'DIG IN', scream 'HELL YEA' when the instructor barks 'TEN MORE'. Our people view sweat on their brows like a crown of achievement. THEY'RE THE ONES WE APPLAUD. They're the HEROES that fight on, leave nothing in the tank and are slaves to the deep burn. To be a HERO, you can't just step up, you've got to...

Turn It UP!!! "

Les Mills

Incrivelmente, de vez em quando, sou capaz de me esquecer, do quanto adoro o meu ginásio... Mas basta meter lá os pés uma vez, para NUNCA mais querer sair de lá!

Um comentário:

X disse...

Bora ao ginásio hoje? ;)